For Visitors

Welcome to Lebanon Lutheran Church

Location:  1101 S. Mears, Whitehall, MI 49461

Parking:  Best access:  handicap and general parking at the East entrance; use the double doors at the rear of the church.  The Mears Street doors are locked during the week.

Worship: 10:15 AM Sunday morning. Our service is also live-streamed and saved on our YouTube channel.

Office Hours: 9:00-1:00 PM Monday through Thursday, Closed on Fridays, phone: 231-893-5745

Food Pantry: 9:30-10:30 AM every Wednesday, drive-through only

Adult Forum: 9:00-10:00 AM every Sunday

Communion is celebrated every week and all people and ages are welcome at the table. We serve wine or grape juice in individual cups and bread or gluten free wafers. If you have a preference, just tell the person serving you.

Children: Our church has a play space at the back of the sanctuary where children can play while parents participate in worship. Pastor Ogden also offers a children’s lesson during worship. We welcome children and expect them to be children.

Fellowship: Please feel free to stay for a cup of coffee and a snack after church, served in the Lounge. We would love to meet you.

Stay Connected: Click here to subscribe to the Weekly, our emailed newsletter. 

Our Welcoming Statement:

Welcome to long-time Lutherans, to Christians from every tradition, and to people new to the faith.

Welcome to you who have no church home, or who want to follow Christ, have doubts, or do not know for sure what you believe.

Welcome to new visitors and old friends.

Welcome to people of every age and size, color and culture, every sexual orientation and gender identity, socio-economic status, marital status, ability and challenge.

We welcome your questions and your beliefs.

Welcome to Lebanon.

All are welcome in this place.