Epiphany 4

January 30, 2022

Epiphany 4


Welcome to long-time Lutherans, to Christians from every tradition, and      to people new to the faith.

 Welcome to you who have no church home, or who want to follow Christ, have doubts, or do not know for sure what you believe.

 Welcome to new visitors and old friends

 Welcome to people of every age and size, color and culture, every sexual orientation and gender identity, socio-economic status, marital status, ability and challenge.

 We welcome your questions and your beliefs

 Welcome to Lebanon

All are welcome in this place


Readings for  today: Jeremiah 1:4-10, Psalm 71:1-6, 1 Corinthians

13:1-13, Luke 4:21-30. Readings for next week; Isaiah 6:1-8 [9-13],

Psalm 138, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Luke 5:1-11. Try reading

these ahead at home and see if  you can find  what  holds them together.

We need  a volunteer reader for Sundays.



          Did you know …..

 that you can always watch recent worship services on our website, and find the Yellow Pages for each week there too?  www.lebanonlutheranchurch.com

Worship on the Web –  Sundays at 10:15am

Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more updates when then occur.


Hand sanitizer is located at several stations. Please leave 6’ distance

between you and others that are not in your family.  We ask that you

kindly wear a mask whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.




It is cold, flu and COVID season. Please DO NOT place your used tissue back into the box!  Thank you!

Bible Study via Zoom on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Please email Pastor Ogden or Kathy Keller

(Kellerk2@msu.edu) for the link


 Prayer Concerns and Announcements

 It is an important part of our ministry to be constantly praying for one another.  We add names to the prayer list with consent in order to maintain privacy and confidentiality.

Prayers for those who are homebound:              Our Minister

Helen Bartlett, at home

Mary Bernhardt, at Robinswood Assisted Living #115 (Kay Snell)

Marlene Holmstrom, at home

Elaine Liska, at White Lake Assisted Living – Whitehall

Ruth Nurmi, with health concerns

Nancy Peterson, at Heartland , Room #405 B

Bernie Weidner, at Sanctuary of the Oaks.        (Danielle Jacobs)

Marty Windbacher, at home

Special Prayer Concerns:

Steve Albert, with health concerns

Tracey Allen, (Roger Silk’s cousin) diagnosed with terminal brain cancer

Jennifer Snowden Bossi, 34,  (Ardy Bulthouse’s granddaughter) diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.

Lucas Carlson, (Terry and Mary Beekmans grandson) for new treatment.

Diane, (friend of Cheri Crouch) diagnosed with cancer.

Dan Girvan, with health issues

Cora Hendrick, (Curt Crouch’s mother) diagnosed with cancer

Terri Hissong, (Margaret Everling’s sister) health concerns

Paul Honoré, recently diagnosed with cancer

Lauren Kerkstra, (Darrel and Jeanette Otto’s granddaughter), recovering slowly, able to walk and take commands. Remains non-verbal .

Donna Knoth, with heart issues.

Jeff Knoth, recently diagnosed with cancer

Amy Jean Knorr, ( Brian Holmblades aunt in Tucson) turned 105 years old on November 28.

Mary, (Meg Eatons mother) with health concerns after a fall.

Dwight Mead (Paula Moreau’s brother-in-law), non-hodgkin lymphoma mantel type (stage four).

Shirley Palmatter, (Cindy Alberts mother)

Shirley, (friend of Barb Aardema) recently diagnosed with cancer.

Tammy, (daughter of Wietse and Melanie Schaafsma) with brain cancer & diabetic. At home.

Jen, (Tammy’s sister ) suffered aneurysm, at home.

Harry and Yolanta Swiatek, home recuperating from surgery complications – prayers for continued healing.

Darlene Willbrandt, recuperating from eye surgery.

Our hearts grieve with Art and Sue Plewka, Jason, Will and Bennett MacGregor, on the passing of their daughter, wife and mother Lara on January 18, 2022. Our hearts also grieve with the family of Lois Fuller who passed away 1/5/22. A funeral is planned for spring 2022.

 For our partners in faith, our companion synods in Salud para la Vida in San Pedro Sula, Honduras for their mission and ministry in their place as we fulfill our mission in our place; for all the churches of the Lutheran World Federation, for people of the gospel throughout the world

Each week we pray for one of our members or families.  This week we pray for:  Mary Bernhardt

Congregation Prayers for February 2022:  Amy Swope, Mary & Terry Beekman, Mary Koernen, Jone Benedict.



  Praying for Elizabeth Eaton, Presiding Bishop, ELCA and Craig Satterlee, Bishop of the Northwest Lower Michigan Synod. Salem Lutheran, Flint and Pastor Monica Villareal. 

As Jesus calls us to be one even as he and the Father are one, please remember these leaders, and judicatories in prayer on Sunday mornings.– Today we pray for: St. Stephen Lutheran Church / Lansing; Rev. Alex Aivars.  Next week we pray for: Harbor of Grace Lutheran Church / Muskegon; Rev. Jane Mountain.

 Due to the increase in the Covid 19 Delta variant, masks are required to be worn correctly over nose and mouth when in the church building.

 Masks are available at the church entrances should you forget yours. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our visitors and congregation safe.



Last Week at Lebanon

Budget…………………………………  ……          2,045.00

Non-Budget………………………………                 795.00

In & Outs……………………………………              100.00

Total Deposit………………………………          2,940.00

2021 Budget                                                                               183,353.00

Budgeted giving needed through December  (100%)        183,353.00

Actual budget giving through December                              189,934.93

Fund of the Month / January – 150th Anniversary      197.00

Food Pantry :  1/26 –  49 families and  119 individuals.





Giving through our Vanco Mobile app is an easy and convenient way to donate to our church. It only takes a moment to set up and account:

  1. Download the free Vanco Mobile app from the App store or Google Play.
  2. Find our Church by searching for our Church name: Lebanon Lutheran Church
  3. Donate: to the General Fund


Thank you for your generosity!



Take home – Prayer Ventures January/February  2022 

These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA. Thank you for your continued prayers for the life and mission of this church.

30 Pray that our faith and confidence in Christ will embolden us to be public bearers of good news, hope and wholeness for all people, even in the face of intimidating challenges, criticism or skepticism.

31 Pray that the Spirit will help us understand and practice the qualities of love that God has shown us and that the apostle Paul commends to members of the church in Corinth: “Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:4-6).

1 Black History Month. Give thanks for the gifts, accomplishments, influence and witness of our African-descent neighbors — we stand together as siblings in Christ and partners in the gospel, doing God’s work in the world together. Pray that God will guide our church as it strives for racial justice, socioeconomic equity, racial reconciliation and an end to racism in our church, society and institutions.

2 Give thanks for the small and subtle ways in which the Spirit encourages and deepens our faith each and every day.

3 Pray for parish nurses who serve in ministries of health and healing and for the ELCA-affiliated Evangelical Lutheran Parish Nurse Association, which supports parish nurses and promotes a culture of health, healing and wholeness in Lutheran congregations, agencies and communities.

4 Pray for those who lost homes and were displaced during the December wildfires in Boulder County, Colo. Give thanks for the partnership of Lutheran Disaster Response, the Rocky Mountain Synod and Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains as they work together to provide food, temporary shelter, emotional and spiritual care, and assistance with recovery work.

5 Pray that our anxieties about the future will be quieted by the assurance that the Spirit’s gifts of hope and peace are more powerful and enduring than the threats and uncertainties we face in life.


Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 11:15 am. Please attend! A zoom link will be furnished as well for this event. 


Thank you to our volunteers who helped unload the U-Haul for Food Pantry on Thursday, January 27th. Jake F., Sandy R., Cindy L., Sharon H., Mitch C., Pastor Ogden; and Harris Exteriors employees! We appreciate all your help!


Lebanon Lutheran Church

 1101 S. Mears Avenue

Whitehall, MI 49461

   (231) 893-5745

     Rev. Douglas M. Ogden

